Ways to develop and implement curriculum
Are you interested in learning about education in high-performing systems?
Lucy Crehan has spent time studying many of the world’s most successful education systems. Lucy will bring the learning from these countries to teachers and school leaders in Sweden, taking into account the different context.
Target groups: Förstelärare, headmasters, municipalities, other school organisations
Course overview
This is a course for you who are responsible for implementing and developing the curriculum in Swedish schools. The course is divided in three workshops on three different themes and these are perfect for förstelärare and school leaders, who are looking for inspiration on how to improve their school, and are willing to look outside of Sweden’s borders:
Theme 1: International lessons on curriculum
Theme 2: International lessons on teacher development
Theme 3: International lessons on pedagogy
During the workshops, participants will hear from Lucy’s own research, alongside video interviews from teachers and researchers across the world.
Praktisk information
Kurslängd: heldag
Språk: Kursen hålls på engelska.
Tre tillfällen på förfrågan
08.30-16:30, inklusive lunch och fikapauser.
Lucy Crehan
Kursavgift per delkurs:
3 400 kr (exkl. moms)
Kursen som streamas med Lucy från UK äger rum på plats hos Kunskapsproffsen med workshop-facilitator. Kursen kan även erbjudas på plats i din organisation. Kontakta oss för pris.